After purchasing the Easy Pay Card and driving to your preferred parking location, slowly pull closely to the ticket dispenser. Scan your card on the ‘KEY CARD HERE’ sensor at the bottom right-hand side of the machine.
The gate should lift and the screen will say WELCOME: [YOUR NAME]. Once the gate completely lifts, pull forward and continue to drive to an open space. You will not need your Easy Pay Card again until you are ready to exit.
This is the same process you will use upon exit. Pull forward into an exit lane, scan the card on the ‘KEY CARD HERE’ sensor on the machine. The gate should lift and the screen will say GOODBYE and display your current charge and remaining balance.
Note: The Easy Pay Card must stay in sequence ie: Entry then Exit. If ever out of sequence, the card may not work, and you will need to press the call for help button on the ticket dispenser to have the pass reset. Continued resets may result in the loss of parking privileges.
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