Meter bags are available for rent to assist commercial plated vehicles parking near job sites or for special event parking.

Meter bags cost $30 a day per space (other fees may apply).

To request a Meter Bag Contract for a Special Event, please contact the Maynard office at (734) 761-7235.

Download the Commercial Vehicle meter bag parking agreement form

Please submit the completed form to us at

Completed agreements can also be submitted in person at the Maynard office located at 324 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Applicants will be contacted once the submitted meter bag agreement is reviewed by the meter department. Payment can be made by calling (734) 761-7235. Visa and MasterCard accepted only.

Meter Bags - PCI Municipal Services

For special events, the applicant must demonstrate that the activities are complementary to the DDA’s mission to strengthen the downtown and attract new private investment. Program requirements must be met before meter bag rental is approved.

PCI Municipal Services uses DDA guidelines for issuance of any meter bags and requires a completed meter bag agreement to be submitted with minimum advance notice of two business days.

Our leadership offers over five decades of proven municipal experience to our clients and offers consultation into all aspects of both off-street and on-street parking operations.